A.L.M.T. Corp.

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A.L.M.T. Corp. will exhibit at International Microwave Symposium, "IMS 2024"!

A.L.M.T. Corp. will exhibit at IMS 2024, scheduled from 18-20, June, 2024. There we will introduce thermal solutions with heat spreaders.

IMS 2024

・Dates : 18-20, June.
・Place: Walter E. Washington Convention Center (the U.S.)
・Booth#: 527
・Floor map: 3e - Floorplan (expocad.com)

・Registration: International Microwave Symposium 2024 (xpressreg.net)

◆Main Exhibits:

1. Ag-Diamond Heat spreader  -  High Thermal Conductitvity, 600 W/(m・K)

2. CPC™ Heat spreader  - Laminated Material "Cu/CuMo/Cu"

※ For further detailed information about the exhibition, please check the official website below.
