A tin-plating dies is used in the process of plating wire with tin.
Plating thickness can be controlled by passing tin-plated wire through a tin-plating dies.
Used in the plating process, the case must be of highly corrosion-resistant material.
Wire processing tools are used for electronic materials such as lead wires as well as cutting, swaging and transporting various wire materials.
An extruding nozzle is used to extrude semi-dough material to mold things like mechanical pencils. An injection nozzle is used for the tip of fine powder granulation used in the spray drying method, etc.
A water jet nozzles uses diamond for the nozzle.
The diamond nozzles with high working pressure and excellent straightness are used in deburring, cutting and cleaning in various industries including electronic parts and automobile.
The cross head tool plays the role of a guide in the process of coating resin on the wire material drawn with the wire drawing dies.
Its crosshead or nipple shapes are changed according to the head shape of the extruder and the diameter of wire to be coated.