A single crystal diamond drawing dies using a single crystal diamond having high thermal conductivity is used for a wide range of applications such as copper wire and stainless steel wire for its high quality and long life. In particular, it is suitable for processing that requires ultrafine wire drawing and high quality surface roughness.
For a Polycrystalline diamond drawing dies, sintered diamond powder obtained by ultra-high pressure is used. Although the target material is the same as that of a single crystal diamond drawing dies, it can be applied to a wide range of applications from large diameter wire to thin wire because it can be applied to larger sizes.
The cross sectional area provides a heteromorphic shape other than a circle.
It is used for manufacturing various heterogeneous wires – from windings of transformers in the heavy electric industry to connector pins and flat cables used in general electric machinery to accessories such as chains of necklace.
Track shape
Ribbon shape
A compacting dies is a tool that compresses circularly while twisting conductors (wires), used for power cables and low voltage electric wires (wire harnesses) for cars.
A shaving dies is a tool that removes oil, oxides, bubbles, scratches on the surface after wire drawing. It is a diamond die that scrapes off the wire surface using the diamond's inner peripheral blade.